Specialty Trophy Line


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High Gloss, Freestanding Rosewood Diamonds

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1648 4-1/4 " x  7-7/8 " 52.50
1649 5-1/4 " x  8-7/8 " 61.50
1650 6-1/4 " x  10 " 72.00

Laser engravable aluminum plate.
Individually gift boxed.

High Gloss, Freestanding Rosewood Diamonds

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1594 4-1/4 " x  7-7/8 " 48.00
1595 5-1/4 " x  8-7/8 " 55.50
1596 6-1/4 " x  10 " 66.00

Individually gift boxed.
Laser engraving and color-filling may incur extra charges

Classic Achiever Trophy cast metal figurine hand-polished with goldtone finish on black piano-finish base

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1581-X 11 " x  0 " 120.00

Flexi-brass self-adhesive plastic plate compatible with laser or rotary engravers
Individually boxed.
This trophy figurine should not be sold as an Oscar, Oscar look-alike, or in any other manner suggesting an affiliation with the Academy Awards.

Star casting in goldtone finish
on rosewood piano-finish base

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1570-X 13 " x  0 " 105.00

Laser engravable plate(s).
Patent pending.

Classic achiever figure on rosewood stained piano-finish base

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1520-X 9 " x  0 " 81.00
1535-X 13-1/2 " x  0 " 159.00

Laser engravable brass plate(s).
Individually gift boxed.
This trophy figurine should not be sold as an Oscar, Oscar look-alike, or in any other manner suggesting an affiliation with the Academy Awards.

Chrome Plated Metal Star on Rosewood Piano-Finish Base.

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140 4-1/2 " x  7-1/4 " 79.95

Individually boxed.

Classic achiever casting on a solid American walnut base.

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1190-X 7-1/4 " x  0 " 57.00
1290-X 10-3/4 " x  0 " 126.00

Laser engravable plate(s).
Solid brass engraving plate(s).
Individually boxed.
This trophy figurine should not be sold as an Oscar, Oscar look-alike, or in any other manner suggesting an affiliation with the Academy Awards.

Polished metal goldtone star casting on rosewood stained piano finish base.

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108 5 " x  7-1/2 " 69.00

Laser engravable plate(s).
Solid brass engraving plate(s).
Individually boxed.
Star casting copyright design Tropar Mfg. Co., 2003

Metal goldtone modern star casting on a solid American walnut base.

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105 6-3/4 " x  0 " 51.00

Laser engravable plate(s).
Plates and castings copyright design Tropar Mfg. Co., 1999

Metal goldtone star riser casting on a solid American walnut base.

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103 10 " x  0 " 57.00

Laser engravable plate(s).
Plates and castings copyright design Tropar Mfg. Co., 1999

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